Luxury Personal Brand – Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1

Boost your personal brand’s value and attract wealth. With significant results over the years, this premium course contains subliminal audio tracks that reprogram the unconscious mind in the most effective way.

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $55.00.


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There are four steps to follow:

  1. Download immediately after payment.
  2. Prepare a notebook and a good pair of headphones.
  3. Find a cozy place to spend some time alone.
  4. Give enough commitment and embrace the change.

Luxury Personal Brand (Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1)

What is the importance of having the mindset of a luxury brand?

There is one simple answer: VALUE.

The money you get is based on the value you provide. It is unlikely that your expertise has anything to do with the value that you create. If you’re not getting paid enough for the value you have, you’re not as valuable as you think. The market reveals the truth. Reality is the marketplace. You might be a valuable parent, friend, or colleague, but not enough for the marketplace. The marketplace is an arena in which you demonstrate the true wealth of your mind.

Luxury Personal Brand (Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1)

Stop chasing money! This only makes it flee faster. It’s time to stop and look at yourself. Think about your personal brand. Honestly, does your brand deserve the money you need? If you know the answer is “not yet”, you’ve come to the right place.

Watch the video below. It will be worth your while, even if our paths never cross again.

The value you have is reflected in the wealth you receive. If there is no wealth, there is no value, no matter how hard you try. So stop searching for money. Your personal brand is the most crucial concept. Your life revolves around this brand. Everything you need in life is only available through this brand.

Luxury Personal Brand (Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1)

In Luxury Mind Programming, I focus on personal branding in an original, distinctive manner. To achieve maximum influence and change, this method combines other methods of programming the unconscious mind with extremely useful training. Luxury mind programming aims to connect the rules and characteristics of big luxury brands to your personal brand and create unique value. Providing you with the ability to sell anything at any price.

Design your personal brand, establish a luxury value, and sell at the price you want.

Attract money with a luxury personal brand

With great results and achievements, this concise program leads to the establishment of a luxury personal brand.  I’m presenting you “Luxury Mind Programming,” which has proven highly effective over the years. The series will be presented gradually in separate volumes beginning with this, “Luxury Personal Brand.”

There are free visualization, meditation, and wealth hypnosis tools available on our YouTube channel, however, the subliminal audio tracks designed exclusively for “Luxury Mind Programming” are only included with each volume.

Subliminal audio tracks are included in Luxury Mind Programming

The biggest mistake people make is trying to solve a root problem by adding knowledge and information. However, as Nietzsche said, most of this information is not only useless but also a killer of action. It is not about obtaining more information, but rather about internalizing it.

You cannot be valuable just by having knowledge and expertise.

Luxury Personal Brand (Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1)

Have you tried everything you can to get the law of attraction to work for you, only to find out that it’s not working? It’s because the law of attraction is the law of competence. It’s what you deserve that you get. Visualization, hypnosis, affirmations, etc., are not enough to make you worthy enough. To achieve your dreams in life, you need to become the person who deserves them.

You can find out how far away you are from what you desire by looking at someone who earns it. See how close you are to this person. This has nothing to do with personal aspects or humanity. I’m talking about a person’s personal brand. You are a brand, and your brand is not what you think it is. It’s what people are saying behind you.

Even though all the exercises for the law of attraction are great and necessary, they won’t work if you don’t have a strong personal brand.

Become Tom Ford with a luxury personal brand

Your mind is reflected in what you see in the world. Try not to change the outside. In order to change your life, all you need to do is change your mind, which is essentially reprogramming your subconscious mind.

Should you attend this program or not? I cannot tell. But I strongly believe that the universe always guides us in the right direction. So pay attention to the signs. You have the answer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Even though the greatest result is for a person who moves in a specific career path or has specific paths in mind, being equipped with luxury thinking and reprogramming the subconscious mind accordingly is an absolute necessity. The first step is always the most risky one until you acquire the right mindset.

This product has a compact and short educational component. If the questions are not personal, they will be answered on the program’s questions and answers page on the website.

Personal questions are questions that need private coaching. These questions are not appropriate here. The purpose of this program is to reprogram the subconscious, although its educational part is brief, it is a summary of a lifetime’s worth of research and education about branding and marketing.

Despite the fact that we would make money if we mentioned the name of the guarantee, I cannot make a guarantee because individual training cannot be proven.

However, it is guaranteed that this program and method have documented great achievements and there is no similar example in the world to date.

It is guaranteed that this product offers the most professional and fundamental tools possible for reprogramming the unconscious mind and creating a luxury brand using branding expertise and energy psychology. It is your best opportunity to change.

Since I am not with you, I cannot force you to do anything. If you want to see a change in your life, you must have a thirst for it. Your thirst for change depends on you.

As soon as you complete the payment, you will be redirected to the download page.

Support is provided for any technical issues you may experience through the website’s ticketing system. Obviously, it isn’t for personal matters.

Additional information

Total duration:


Audio file format and details:

432 hz – MP3 320 Kbps CBR 44100 Hz, Stereo, 32-bit

Duration of the short course:


Subliminal tracks' duration:


Size in total:

435,9 MB


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Luxury Personal Brand - Luxury Mind Programming Vol. 1

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $55.00.